Checklist For Hiring An Employee

checklist for hiring employees

If this is the case, you can email each document’s information to keep the process efficient. You can ask if they have questions about these forms once you meet with them in person. There are many other items you may want to add to your new hire checklist depending on your objectives.

In most cases, the HR team can take a more hands-off approach during the new hire’s first week, coordinating with a supervisor or manager to make sure things are going smoothly. Put a bullet on your checklist to either deliver equipment or follow up with the orientation team to verify that the new team member received everything they need. It’s important to double-check and make sure new employees can access all of their accounts. We’ve all experienced the annoyance of trying to log into a new account and getting that invalid username or password message. Alternatively, or additionally, a video about what the new employee can expect on their first day can also help grease the wheels before they start work. A short video is an effective way to introduce new employees.

Once this has all been discussed, you can address any questions they may have. Continue checking in with the new employee to review progress and address any issues. Hold a meeting to review policies, job responsibilities and compensation. This may also be a good time to provide your new hire with their access key or code and explain any security protocols. When you bring a new team member on board, ask them to provide at least one emergency contact and share any relevant contact details .

Continually changing the onboarding process may cause confusion. This will only create a sense of uncertainty in the company’s culture. It could also cause employees to doubt the abilities of leaders and senior managers. In contrast, a bad onboarding experience is well-known to increase employee turnover.

Why Are New Hire Checklists Important?

By 31 January – You need to send a W-2 form for each employee to the IRS. This includes state taxes and – depending on the state where your employees are located – you may be required to withhold state income taxes. Obtain your Employer Identification Number from the Internal Revenue Service . You need this to pay taxes and send other documents to the IRS. This is a tax number that you as the employer have to set up to run the business – it isn’t something you need to get for each employee. Schedule qualified candidates whose salary needs you can afford for a first interview with the hiring supervisor and an HR representative. In all cases, tell the candidates the timeline you anticipate the interview process will take.

  • Using an onboarding checklist may seem too simple to be considered a professional tool.
  • Your Employee & Labor Relations team now supports both represented and non-represented employees.
  • Ask about what experiences from their past jobs relate to the current position, about successes they’ve had, or challenges they’ve overcome.
  • This is a comprehensive list to get you started with your first hire.

Use methods like microlearning to help new employees absorb and remember information. This can be an overwhelming experience for the new hire and you if it’s not done right. Luckily, you can prepare ahead of time and put together the ultimate new hire checklist. This can help supervisors and HR managers hire several new employees quickly and efficiently without falling behind on their routine.

The Ultimate New Employee Paperwork Checklist

The new hire should be informed about things like the company’s safety policies and its take on workplace harassment and bullying. The initial discussions around compliance will set the tone for how the new hire will view and understand their job with the company. Also, it is at this point that the employer’s priorities will be made known. A manager or supervisor must highlight what is expected of them and what success looks like. Based on these discussions, you should hold a performance review in the future to recognize their efforts and help them improve their performance. It’s important to give enough time for learning, reflection, and discussions.

checklist for hiring employees

You can also give them information regarding the dress code and any other rules or announcements you believe will be beneficial to know. This allows the new employee to spend more time undergoing on-the-job training and starting projects rather than waiting for someone to install their equipment or submit their paperwork.

The 5 Cs Of Onboarding

That way, if there is some sort of emergency at work, you’ll have everything you need to alert the right person. Hopefully, your employees will never experience an emergency at work. But, if they do, you want to know who you should get in touch with—and have their contact information handy. Banking services are provided by Middlesex Federal Savings, F.A.; Member FDIC. Some government agencies require employers to display a workplace poster to promote safety regulations.

checklist for hiring employees

Check with your state business license office for your requirements. This phase of the onboarding process is about building positive workplace relationships. In particular, it focuses on creating a connection between a new hire and their manager with a one-on-one meeting. Role-specific or on-the-job training arms new employees with knowledge about the duties they’ll perform on a day-to-day basis. All types of organizational training should consider which style of training is best suited for each employee.


If possible, gather company branded swag, office supplies or a simple gift like a mug or small plant for their desk to create a welcome kit for their workspace. If the employee will be working remotely, consider sending them a box of swag to their home address. If your business is audited, you want your paperwork to be complete, organized, and easily accessible. Make sure you have a system in place to keep all your employee files in order. All states require employers to report new hires to the state to comply with the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act . Essentially, these reports allow state agencies to enforce child support. Then, you’ll need to collect your employee’s I-9 and review their documents to confirm they’re eligible to work in the U.S.

Along with the offer letter and employment agreement, there are several other new hire forms and signed policies you should make sure you have for your new hires, including tax paperwork. Be sure to include a copy of the signed offer letter in your new hire’s personnel file. Employers often use offer letters to extend a job offer to a candidate, as well as outline the terms and conditions of the offer.

Heres What To Do Next After Hiring Your New Employee

It will save you time and money, and help to make the hiring process much easier. This means listing the job on websites such as LinkedIn or Indeed. You should also post it on job boards or with a recruitment company who will take on the task of finding the best candidates so cutting out one stage of the process.

It takes a lot of time and effort to find employees who not only possess the relevant skills and experience but are also a good fit within the organization. In order to effectively attract and retain these talented professionals from a wide pool of applicants, you will have to take a look at your hiring process. Employers who pay pensions are required to issue Form 1099-MISC to the recipients. The Internal Revenue Service and the Minnesota Department of Revenue have established special rules applicable to these situation. With few exceptions, electronic fund transfers are made using the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System for all federal tax deposits. For federal income tax and FICA tax, the accumulated liability usually must be deposited monthly or semiweekly (or by the next day if the liability is $100,000 or more).

You want the job description to be interesting to catch the eyes of your potential candidates. There are many hiring sites available online where you can post your job advertisement. Make sure the candidate you’re looking for matches the criteria outlined in the job description. For small businesses, the consequences of having a bad hire are much greater than expected. To prevent a bad hire from wreaking havoc on your business’ budget, we provided below a complete

For most employees, HR is not part of their job responsibilities. A nudge from your team helps make sure you don’t end up with a rogue training that’s a year overdue. Just like the end-of-day check-in, ping the new employee to give them a chance to ask questions and bring up any issues that may have cropped up during their first week. New employees will often meet their team during orientation. But it’s important to coordinate an opportunity for new employees to meet people from other teams that they may need to work with. Obviously, this will be different for remote and hybrid employees. But even if the employee is totally remote, it’s good practice to offer help setting up a workspace.

Have a discussion with them about how the company plans to execute their recruiting efforts. This is a comprehensive list to get you started with your first hire. Getting a handle on payroll tasks can give you checklist for hiring employees a better understanding of our responsibilities as an employer. When you are ready to hire, extend the job offer to the candidate. First, determine how you will record and run payroll for your small business.

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